Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Photo Montage: In No Particular Order (sorry about the lousy format)

This food was apparently too slow.  
Soon after I came home today my host mother's phone rang. After speaking for a few seconds she hung up and said, "the meat is here." We apparently bought an entire cow and had it slaughtered earlier in the day. The meat was still steaming hot when it was delivered in the back of someone's SUV. All the organ meat was stuffed into the stomach, which was put into a huge wicker basket. The rest of the cow that is not in the kitchen sink is hanging by hooks in the back yard.

"What did I get myself into?"
 One of these pictures is us just leaving New York City.  The other is 5am two days later in Tbilisi.  Can you tell which is which?                                   You may be surprised.

Pleasantly nick-named "face-huggers"

These are Khinkali; Georgian traditional fast food.  They are steamed dumplings stuffed with a mix of pork and beef and some tasty seasonings.  They are finger food.  To eat them you cover them in pepper, grab them by the knot on the top, turn it upside down, bite a small hole and suck out the meat juices. Then eat it.  But not the knot!  That is just the handle.

Here is my street out the window of my bedroom facing West.  What's that mountainous region in the distance, you may ask?  It's Abkhazia.

Here is the same view the last few days.  Brrrrr.

This is my school--Skolashi number 9.  It's either a fixer-upper or a tear 'er downer.  
Dan demanded to get a MacHamburgi Happy Meal at the one McDonalds in Georgia.  Unfortunately they told him he was neither under twelve nor the president.  
Things that make you go 'mmm'


  1. Good to know the dress code is hoodie casual there, too.

  2. A palm tree??
    And Dan, really? As if American happy meals aren't bad enough!

  3. Did somebody say photo montage?


    You're welcome.

  4. I love the part about the cow giblets being stored in the traditional fashion.
